How often can I vote?
You can vote once a day for each server.
You don't need to register on the site.
I voted but didn't receive a reward?
We only carry out the voting process.
Please contact the server owner about this issue. There may be a problem with the API integration.
How is the server evaluation done?
To rate a server, you need to register on the site.
After registering, you can enter the server details page and rate it.
You can rate a server once a day.
How does the ranking work?
It is listed from the server with the most votes in a week to the server with the least votes.
What are the image upload limits?
The recommended image dimensions are width: 468px, height: 190px.
You can upload in different sizes, but your images may not look properly.
The maximum size of the image you will upload is 4MB.
You can upload images in jpg, jpeg, gif, and png formats.
When does the list reset?
The list is reset every Monday at 00:00.
The current date of the server : 07:07:57 21-11-2024
The date the list will be reset : 00:00:00 25-11-2024