Aurelia2 The Future is Yours MID/NEW
I would like to introduce the server Aurelia2.
After a beta time of 2 months and many adjustments the server is now available for you.
The server is a mid-/ newschool server on which you have to farm very much and
and you will experience a lot of variety with different dungeons.
Aurelia2 is an international server with 10 languages ENG,GER,ITA,TUR,PL,PRT,ESP,CZE,HUN.
Game options
Under the game options you can set some things, as well as the pickup function.
Manual and also Automated can be set.
It is important to mention that the pickup feature is completely free!
For less powerful computers, you can also set the dog mode.
With this, each monster is displayed design-wise as a wild dog.
Through a scaling system, you can adjust the width of the camera and also the perspective relatively far.
Magic rune system
From level 70, the rune system is also available to everyone.
Through the rune dungeon, you can farm rune pieces and exchange them in the rune window
under Shop for various time refreshers.
Alchemy system
The alchemy system is somewhat simplified and intended from the mid-high level range.
From the 75th Metin Pung-Ma you drop dragonstone shards which you can exchange in the
Alchemy window under Shop for Ancient Cors.
You can also drop them on various bosses.
In addition, there is the possibility to switch a failed Excellent Stone.
This can be obtained ingame.
Offline store system
You can create a store from anywhere, even in dungeons!
The offline stores can be opened up to 8 days.
They are placed randomly on Map1 of each realm.
Through the search function you can also buy different items from everywhere!
In addition, you can also start auctions yourself and also participate in auctions.
Furthermore you can make private offers for different items in stores.
Ignored, or can be accepted by the seller.
Wiki system
Under the key H you can find the Wikipedia of the server.
(Currently still under construction)
If the wiki is open you can find some shortcuts like Switchbot - [K] under the last tab.
For other questions team members are available.
Biologist quests
On the minimap there is a biologist symbol where you can buy items.
There you can also turn in the items and finish the active quest.
Daily gifts
A daily gift can be picked up at the minimap.
After collecting a gift, you have to wait 24 hours before you can collect the next one.
Special storage
Under the U key you can find a special inventory for books, Upp-Items
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