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Zenoria2 | 55-120 | International | Server Start 26.04.2024

Zenoria2 | 55-120 | International | Server Start 26.04.2024
Max Lv. : 120 Category : Newschool Date of opening 26 April 2024
1 Comment

Zenoria2 | 55-120 | International | Server Start 26.04.2024

Dear Zenoria2 Community,

Who Are We? We are a new team formed by individuals who have gained experience over many years in the background of Metin2 Private Servers, actively participated in many major games, and signed off on high-quality work. With this team, we aim to present innovative and impressive projects to the Metin2 community. With our extensive experience and passion, we aim to provide players with an unforgettable gaming experience. We are eager to make a difference with our quality and are delighted to share this excitement with you.

What Do We Offer?

We bring you together with a game structure that you have never experienced before and that will impress you with its quality.
We aimed to provide the gameplay details thoroughly and in maximum quality.
Our goal is to offer a continuous and enjoyable gaming experience with a simplified item market concept, keeping our game away from the P2W structure.
By opting for long-term advertising agreements and moving away from the weekly gaming perception, we conducted comprehensive planning.
We have secured many advertising deals both locally and globally. For example, we have agreements with platforms such as Itemci, Google Ads, Instagram Ads, ElitePvPers, Inforge, and many global advertising organizations.
We offer farming opportunities with features like automatic hunting and automatic login, even when you're not at your computer.
We provide a global gaming experience with translations of 7 different languages at 99%.

What's New?

We offer unique bonuses through a battle pass with free and premium options, containing daily and weekly tasks.
With the automatic boss plugin, you can farm bosses without needing to be at your computer.
In our new generation multi-tiered dungeons, you can win unique items and bonuses every 12 hours.
With our new alchemy system, we provide perfect and long-term enhancement.
Thanks to our new targeting system, items that decrease in value will always remain valuable.
Our new quest system offers farming opportunities with your own effort at the computer, as well as automated hunting.
Our structures from levels 55-120 offer a flawless and anti-P2W VS environment and VS tournaments are ready to go.
We offer visual innovations with new Metin maps, mounts, costumes, and equipment.

Why Should You Play Zenoria2?

A team that prioritizes player effort over the greed for money awaits you.
A support team available anytime, both in voice and in writing.
With long-term advertising agreements, we offer a game designed to appeal to true Metin2 players rather than fluctuating player base.
Unique and new farming dynamics that will excite you both while you sleep and at your computer.
We offer an environment where you can fight whenever you want to.
In a game you enter to relieve stress without spending money, your efforts are our priority, not your wallet.

[TR] Turkiye
[EN] England
[DE] Germany
[IT] İtaly
[RO] Romania
[ES] Spain
[HU] Hungary

Comments & Ratings
04 May 2024 10:37

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